The Rank Of Webcast In Consumer’s Market

Webcast Evolution

With the rapid growth of Internet technology and the increasing popularity of smart devices, inter-personal interaction has become more common. In contrast, live streaming via the internet has gained popularity from a large number of people since its inception because of its quality as well as its interaction and authenticity. Live broadcasts bridge sellers’ demand and customer purchase needs, thus enhancing demand and supply. The highly visual and interactive video broadcast lets customers view others’ processes and how they feel. Additionally, the user can communicate with the host and other users via bullet screens. This interactive mode resolves the credibility issue in the online marketplace and increases confidence in the decision-making process of customers. In this article, the author begins by examining the model of the path for web live broadcast’s impact on the purchasing intent of customers from the viewpoint of a feeling of immediateness. Then, the data from the questionnaire confirms the model. Finally, efforts are centred on examining possible ways that companies might adopt. 

Webcast In-Demand 

Webcast marketing is a new technology in online marketing for many companies and brands. statistic indicates that in 2022, video content will account for more than 85% of internet traffic that consumers use. And by 2020 83.3 per cent of Internet users used digital video content. As early as the year 2018, 54% of users stated that they would like to watch more videos from brands they trust. 

If you’re still not marketing with webcasts in the past, it’s enough time to begin. Whether you are in charge of marketing for B2B, B2C, or even D2C (direct-to-consumer), webcasts are the way to go for lead generation, brand recognition, and even consumer education. 

What are the best methods to ensure that your intended audience can view your webcast live or on demand? 

Launch of Webcast  

AVIANET launches a live webcast for its dedicated consumer industry, which will focus on evolving consumer behaviours and expectations, as well as how these shifts impact major companies in the industry. AVIANET The Consumer’s Perspectives The State of the Consumer panel discussion will concentrate on macroeconomic trends that affect consumers and businesses that deal with consumer goods and will provide early insight regarding the 2021 holiday shopping season. In addition, we will talk about the ways that retail and consumer businesses can be able to adapt to the changing environment and the changing behaviour of customers to ensure continuous growth and profitability. We will have a stellar panel of business leaders from famous brands who will present their perspectives on their respective industries. Our panellists include: 

  • Recent macroeconomic developments have a direct impact on customers, as well as consumers. 
  • Levers to combat the effects of inflation in retail and consumer industries to ensure long-term profitable growth 
  • Forecasts and consumer pulses for the holiday shopping season of 2021. 
  • The increasing importance of ESG on consumer behaviours and corporate strategies 
  • The importance of data, analytics and technology to provide both business and consumer insights. 

Market Existence 

Purchase intention refers to the possibility that a buyer purchases an item or service after having a basic understanding of the product or service. According to Fishbein’s behaviour intention model, the behaviour of a buyer is the result of an intention to purchase. Thus, studies on the purchase intent of online shoppers are vital for B2C, C2C and other E-commerce sellers. 

In the academic community, there isn’t a single definition of webcast. However, it is thought of as an interactive broadcast on the Internet. Mobile Internet is the basis. Mobile devices like cell phones and broadcasting applications provide technical support. It’s a live-time presentation and interactive broadcast model to generate interest. This paper takes the widely accepted notion that e-commerce Webcast is a novel type of marketing technique that incorporates broadcasting on the online marketplace for e-commerce. Presently, there are numerous studies on webcasts in e-commerce. In the US, however, studies on the webcast, which is a new type of media that slowly comes into the view of customers as the advent of the Internet and terminal technology, are rare. Webcast is a live stream that is a combination of text, images audio and other elements of expression, making the broadcast more enticing and clearer and offering real-time interaction and vividness. Can it play an even more immediate influence on customers’ buying decisions than the boring display on the web? The research paper is designed to explore the matter and investigate the function of the website in detail. 

The Effect of the Live Video on the Sense of Immediacy and Trust 

“Interactivity” is the dominant aspect of webcasts. With webcast, users can feel the host’s temperance physical aura, mental aura, and body language. The bullet screen enables customers to communicate directly with each other. This real-time interaction creates an environment where everyone is present on the spot and gives them an impression of being present. 

Numerous scholars have examined the connection between online interaction and the sense of immediacy. For instance, when Hoffman looked into people’s communication interactions and communication on the Internet, he discovered that there was a unidirectional relationship between interaction and urgency. When He Miao carried out research regarding teaching online, he observed that interactions between two people increase the sense of telepresence among one another. 

The Effect of the Sense of Immediacy on the Trust 

the importance of social telepresence is a crucial element in the creation of trust within the online Interwork environment since trust is typically created in the social setting The social environment is where trust is generated. Thus, the overwhelming feeling of instantaneity brought by online shopping environments increases the trust of customers. Gefen’s research on the scenario of an e-commerce store reveals that social telepresence influences the creation of trust in customers.  

Additionally, the feeling of immediateness affects consumers’ shopping behaviour by using the channels of trust. The sensation of instantaneousness is a key characteristic of an “immersive experience” Many researchers have verified that an immersive experience can increase the trust of customers. 

The Effect of the Sense of Immediacy and Trust on Customers’ Purchasing Intention 

In 3D online buying environments, customers tend to rate products higher and are more inclined to make purchases due to the immediate sense they experience. Studies indicate that trust plays a crucial role in influencing customers’ purchasing decisions. When customers have confidence in a product or company, they are more likely to make purchases. Ultimately, customer trust in a brand leads to loyalty and increased purchase intent. On this basis, the idea is put forth in the following manner: 

  • Sense of Immediacy positively influences customers’ purchase intent 
  • Space Telepresence positively influences consumers “buying intent 
  • Social telepresence can positively impact the purchase intent of customers 
  • The customer’s confidence in a brand positively influences their buying decision. 


In conclusion, the evolution of webcasting has transformed business-consumer engagement. Live streaming via the internet has surged in popularity due to its quality and interactivity. This has bridged sellers’ offerings with customer demands. Webcasts allow real-time interaction, enhancing credibility in the online marketplace.

The adoption of webcast marketing is essential for staying competitive. Statistics show a shift towards video content consumption. Organizations can leverage webcasts for lead generation and brand recognition. AVIANET’s live webcasts provide insights from industry leaders, empowering businesses to adapt to changing market dynamics.

Research into webcasts’ impact on purchasing intention emphasizes immediacy, trust, and social telepresence. Understanding these factors enables businesses to create immersive experiences that foster trust and loyalty among consumers.

In essence, webcasting is a powerful marketing tool that demands innovative strategies for effective consumer engagement in the digital era.

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